
330 Cortez Circle
Camarillo, CA 93012
United States

T: 805 484 1441
F: 805 484 6430


A Word from Cathy

After working in the dietetics field for many years, I have recognized a need for good quality education materials at affordable prices. I worked in many environments and needless to say, each environment, including for profit and non-profit clinics, hospitals, and home health agencies, had very limited budgets for purchasing education material. Often, the only materials I had access to were reproduced/photocopied materials. Fortunately, I have been able to utilize the resources that my husband (a private publisher) has given me. I have teamed up with many registered dietitians and educators to create quality education materials at a fraction of the cost compared to what is currently available in the market place. We are able to do this by using our own design team, photography, and printing manufacturer. By doing this, we can create items and sell to you directly.

Order Form

Click here to download our order form.